Peculiar, Missouri is a captivating small town located in the heart of America, nestled in the northern part of Cass County. Renowned for its distinctive name and warm, friendly atmosphere, this charming city offers a unique blend of peace and progress that appeals to both its residents and visitors alike. It is characterized by inviting neighborhoods, vibrant community parks, and an excellent school district. Reminiscent of a bygone era, Peculiar maintains its delightful rural ambience while being just a stone's throw away from Kansas City's bustling metropolis, making it an ideal dwelling for those seeking a respite from fast-paced city life. Its unique history and resilient spirit make Peculiar, Missouri, truly, peculiarly wonderful.
MSV Specialties Vehicles is Peculiar's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 800 QuikTrip Way, Belton, MO 64012.